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Home Gardening Tips for Beginners

24th September

Growing your own crops and herbs isn’t reserved for those with an allotment space or garden. That’s a common misconception among apartment dwellers. In fact, home gardening is probably one of the best ways as a beginner, to try your luck with growing your own crops.

That’s because you can benefit from a more accessible and manageable growing space. Minus the additional cost of renting an allotment plot. With a little research, you’ll find fruit and vegetables that can easily be grown to harvest.

The key to success when growing vegetables in your apartment or home is maximising your space.

That way your plants can grow healthily and abundantly. With that in mind, we have put together a quick guide to help you grow vegetables in your very own home.

Growing Environment

To start growing fruits and vegetables in your apartment the first task is to pick a location. This will play a major part in the success of plants. Since you’re already compromising their natural conditions, you need to offer the best growing environment possible for them to thrive.

Depending on specific plant needs, you can grow both indoors and outdoors (on a balcony) in an apartment. Consider how much exposure to sunlight, temperature, humidity and air circulation plants will have and how much will be necessary.

What to Grow Indoors


While growing your own food might seem intimidating, it doesn’t get any more straightforward than growing Herbs. Herbs are the perfect indoor edible plants and are almost impossible to get wrong. We recommend starting with herbs commonly used in even the simplest recipes, such as basil, parsley and mint.

Then all they need is a well-lit area and to be water them regularly. Start small! If you can keep a few herbs alive, you can definitely have a go at growing your own.

Salad Greens

Salad greens are a great beginner’s crop. They can be harvested in a little as a few weeks. Perfect for those with a little less patience than the average grower. Although you don’t have to stick to basic lettuce; try pak choi, mizuna or spinach instead.

If you’re planting your greens outdoors, be sure to prep your compost soil with a soil improving plant root barrier to enhance seed germination and fight off pathogens!

Tomatoes and Peppers

For beginners who want to dive into the deep end of gardening, tomatoes are a popular crop. Flower producing vegetable plants such as tomatoes and peppers require a substantial amount of sunlight and should ideally be grown outdoors on a balcony in containers, or at least on a bright windowsill.

Bigger containers are best to hold what has the potential to be a great yield from these plants. Especially when regularly feeding the plants with an organic premium fertiliser for best results.


Short on space? Check out these growing guides…

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When to Grow

One of the beauties of apartment gardening is that while you might be a little limited in what you can grow, you’re less limited in when you can grow. The herbs, salad green and even peppers mentioned above can be grown indoors in almost any season as long as they’re kept in the ideal environment. Although as a rule of thumb, we think you should stick growing slow maturing crops like tomatoes and other vegetables that need a little more TLC in their rightful seasons.

With all that being said, there’s no reason to be discouraged by your growing space. Get out there, (or in this case, “get in there”) and get growing!


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