Believe it or not,
your sweat isn’t what’s causing your helmet to smell.
Rather, it’s the bacteria found on your skin. The smell in your helmet is caused by the process of natural bacteria that live in your skin. The bacteria on your scalp react to the lipids and proteins found in sweat, consequently creating an odour. This process can’t be prevented. Sweat and bacteria will always exist. However, what we can prevent is the outcome of the process.
Smelly helmets are a common problem. So we have put together a quick guide that will help you to prevent odour and maintain your helmet. Whether it’s for cycling, horse riding, or a motorbike helmet. Here’s how you can say goodbye to the stench in your headgear…
How to Prevent Helmet Odour
Frequently wipe the inside of your helmet with a cloth to remove residue sweat. The less sweat your helmet absorbs, the less of a reaction and odour. But you don’t just want to reduce the odour, you want to eliminate it. So step 2 is key…

Spray the interior of your helmet with Kit Fresh. Always store it in an open and aerated environment. Kit Fresh is formulated with unique bacteria that break down the odour causing protein and lipids. This eliminates the helmet odour whilst leaving a fresh mint scent.
For more information on Kit Fresh read this featured product article.

Once a month,
wash your helmet with a basic shampoo.
How to wash your helmet
Massage shampoo into the fabric of the helmet.
Use a toothbrush to scrub the straps and smaller areas of your helmet.
Rinse and allow it to air dry