As a rule, most advice says you should change your sheets once a week or once every two weeks. However, when you’re leading a busy life – maybe you’re working 80 hours a week or even worse have young children! – it can be difficult to find time. Therefore, we’ve developed a product called Bed Fresh that will keep your mattress smelling fresh and clean for much longer.
Throw Off The Covers In The Morning
Instead of making your bed as soon as you wake up, throw the sheets off the bed for half an hour. Letting air get to the mattress and sheets will help dry up the moisture naturally exuded by our bodies. For even greater effect, hang the sheets near a window or a radiator.

Sprinkle Baking Soda Over Mattress
An age-old trick is to sprinkle baking soda on top of your mattress and vacuum off a few hours later. Baking soda attracts odours and removes them from the mattress leaving it smelling fresh.

Rotate Mattress Every Six To Eight Weeks
This is a great way to get a longer life cycle out of your mattress. Some mattress manufacturers have a suggested rotation schedule. However, if not just flip it on every side and the flip it over and start again.

Wash Sheets On The Hottest Setting
This is important as it will kill any bacteria or bed bugs still living in the sheets. Make sure to check the sheets washing labels so you don’t put it too hot.

Use Envii Bed Fresh
Bed Fresh is our super-effective deodoriser that tackles the source of bad odours in your bed sheets. Bed Fresh uses bacteria to digest the organics that your body naturally exudes in the night. These organics are what causes the bedding or mattress to smell and therefore by digesting and removing them completely, your bed will be cleaner than ever before.