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Pond Problems
Are you having problems with your pond, such as green water or algae? Once the source of the problem is found, it is easy to treat and maintain a healthy pond. Discover our guides on what causes these problems and how to fix them.

Why Is My Pond Foamy?
If you’ve spotted a mysterious white foam on your pond’s surface and you’re wondering what it is, where it comes from, and whether it po... -
The Causes and Solutions to Red Pond Water
Seeing red pond water can be alarming, but there are many causes and solutions for this issue. From tannins to algae, red pond water can […]... -
The Rise and Fall of Algae: Why Does Algae Float and Sink in Ponds at Different Times of the Day?
Why does pond algae float during the day and sink at night? The answer to why this happens is simpler than you might first think. […]... -
Duckweed: The Ultimate Guide
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What is Blanket Weed? And How to Remove It (Video Included)
Blanket weed is a type of algae, scientifically called filamentous algae. It’s also commonly known as string algae or silkweed. Pond owners often st... -
7 Tips to Prevent Pond Sludge
7 Tips to Prevent Pond Sludge: Number of fish Feeding Fish Filteration Aeration Plant maintenance Leaf and twig collection Benefi... -
Tricks to Prevent Green Pond Water
When you first dreamed up the idea of having the perfect pond, the last thing you would have imagined is for it to resemble something […]... -
Blanket Weed: The Ultimate Guide
An in-depth guide to blanket weed, detailing the types, characteristics, causes and how to control it. There are over 20,000 species of algae with a [... -
The Ultimate Do’s & Don’ts Guide For Ponds
Ultimate Guide to Pond Upkeep Pond keeping can be a mine field when it comes to knowing what you can and can’t do to achieve […]... -
7 reasons why your garden pond is losing water
7 Reasons Why Your Pond Is Losing Water Why Is My Pond Losing Water? Pond water levels dropping is a common problem that many […]... -
What Is Pond Sludge & How Do You Remove It?
Sludge is a common problem for pond owners and unfortunately, it’s inevitable. When found in traces and small quantities, it’s not too much of a [... -
Why Do Ponds Go Green In The Spring?
As a pond-owner, spring means only one thing. Green pond water. But why is this? In this blog, we will cover what causes green pond […]... -
Pond Water Quality
Predators & Pests
Pond Problems