Over the last two weeks or so, we’ve been testing Pond Klear in a real-life situation. A customer bought a bottle of Pond Klear Xtra and approached us for some advice and after hearing how green his pond was we saw a great opportunity to show what our product is capable of.
This is the pond, complete with an unsightly metal gate to keep the herons out. Believe it or not, there are a few beautiful fish hidden in there but we had to take his word for it!
We put 150ml of Pond Klear Xtra into a bucket of pond water and distributed evenly over the pond surface.
A normal dose for a pond of this size would be 50ml but we always recommend starting off with a double or triple dose to allow the bacteria to become established.

After 1 Day
As you can see the bacteria has started to take effect. The fish are just about visible although it’s very difficult to see any of their patterns. The floor of the pond is definitely not visible and there is a strong green colour to the water.

After 5 Days
There is a clear difference; the structure of the pond is visible; the fish are visible (but quite hard to spot in this picture), and the pond generally looks a lot healthier.
At this point, we gave the pond another standard dose (50ml) of Xtra and cleaned out the filter.
It’s extremely important to clean the filter as often as possible because the bacteria in Pond Klear will dislodge a lot of organic material which will then get caught in the filter. While this is a good thing, if too much material gets stuck in the water it will stop working.

After 10 Days
As you can see the Pond Klear Xtra has completely cleared the pond. The floor of the pond is visible and you can even see the frogspawn hidden beneath the surface. This really shows how effective Pond Klear can be if it’s used correctly.

There are a few reasons Pond Klear has worked so well on this pond –
It has a working filter
– The bacteria in Pond Klear (and all Envii Pond products) do two things. They eat some of the organic material and dislodge the rest. This means that the organic material that has been dislodged (or disturbed) will then be sucked into the filter. If you clean your filter every few days while treating Pond Klear will work considerably faster.
Started with a triple dose – You can’t really overdose with Pond Klear. While we wouldn’t recommend putting a whole bottle in, it’s perfectly safe to start with a double or triple dose. Bacteria reproduces logarithmically (1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 4 etc.) so by starting with a strong dose it will get to work much quicker.
Used Pond Klear Xtra –
Pond Klear and Pond Klear Xtra are exactly the same except Xtra is 3x stronger. For a pond as green as this one we’d always recommend using Xtra as it will get to work much quicker.
No UV lights –
UV lights kill both good and bad bacteria. This means that, while they do help keep your pond clear, they will render any bacteria treatment useless. If you have any UV lights make sure to turn them off for 2-3 days during treatment.