Cleaning and maintaining a clear pond doesn’t have to be a difficult task, especially when you’re using high-quality bacterial products. There are still a few things pond owners should be doing to get the most out of what they are using.
We’re confident about how well our products work and ensure our customers are getting the best out of them. We wanted to share some best use practices so you could achieve optimum results when caring for your pond.
Whether you’re treating pond sludge, green water algae, blanket weed or any other common pond problems, here are 5 simple tips to help you get the best results from Envii bacterial pond treatments:
Check the water temperature
Many bacterial pond treatments only work in water temperatures that are 10°C and above. It’s important to make sure your water is at a temperature where the bacteria can function. Unless of course, you’re using Envii’s pond treatments which work as low as 4°C. In that case, you don’t have to as much about water temperatures in the colder months.

Let it sit in a bucket of pond water
Our products are supplied in a dormant state to ensure all the energy the bacteria have can go into clearing your pond. By adding them to a clean bucket of pond water and letting them sit for 1-2 hours, you activate the bacteria. Therefore, allowing the treatment to work more efficiently. This method also helps by making it easier to distribute the treatment throughout the pond when it comes to putting it into the water.

Keep your bucket of water warm
Warm water allows bacteria to wake up faster. Again, while our products are effective at lower temperatures, the bacteria are still efficient when you expose them to adequate amounts of heat. We advise putting the bucket in direct sunlight or in a greenhouse/conservatory will increase performance dramatically.

Clean your filters!
We can’t stress this one enough! You should clean your filters before using pond treatments and then clean them every few days. Bacteria will loosen any solid matter in the pond which means it will get sucked into the filter. As the filter gets dirtier it will clog and stop filtering the water. Before you do anything else… clean, your, filters. Find out more on how to clean pond filters here.

Don’t add any nutrients
We’ve seen someone suggest this but it’s terrible advice! A nutrient will help the bacteria grow but will also feed decaying matter. Let the bacteria do its job!
That information simply scratches the surface. You still need to know the do’s and don’ts of pond keeping and being able to keep pond water in best condition.
Be sure to check back to our blog to get more information on your pond specific pond maintenance problems.