Around 2 months ago we sent some product samples to John Soulsby. A professional grower and owner of a massive nursery dedicated to growing hanging baskets for the wholesale market.
Here’s what he had to say about Envii Chill Out –
“We have not had much of a summer so far this year. Although, about six weeks ago we had a nice spell of hot weather. At that time, I was sat on a lot of hanging baskets and patio tubs along with a full stock of garden centre plants.
My typical day was to start watering at 6 am and finish at 7pm, serving a few wholesale customers in-between. I had worked 7 days a week for several weeks and was due a day off.
There was a break from the sunny days forecast for the Saturday, so I decided to take the day off. This was a big mistake and going back into work on the Sunday I could have kicked myself. Everything in the greenhouse was limp and looked dead for the need of water.
I knew it was going to take me 10 or 12 hours to get through all the plants with water. Above all, I was sure I had lost them.

I decided to put your product to test and was amazed at the results.
On the Monday morning I went straight to the last baskets watered to see if they had pulled around. They looked great, had just about made a full recovery and over the next few weeks grew into super hanging baskets.
This saved me a lot of money from not having to throw them on the compost heap.
Thank you so much for your product.”
Envii Chill Out is available from our website
Thank to John for giving the product a go!