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How To Protect Your Waxy Hostas From Slugs & Snails

10th March

Hostas are a fantastic addition to add to any garden. With lush, oriental foliage, they are known for their ability to thrive in shady areas. They’re easy to grow, low maintenance and often outlast other plants. The only problem is, they are just as popular to slugs and snails as they are to us gardeners.

Hostas are an irresistible delicacy to slugs and snails. They will feast on the plant, leaving serious damage behind that will ruin the aesthetic of your garden. If you decide to grow hostas in your garden, it’s important to know the best ways to protect them. Especially if you live in areas with dull, damp weather and plenty of rainfall.


In this blog, we’ll explore the ways you can protect hostas from slugs and snails. Allowing them to thrive without the use of any traditional chemical slug killers.

Planting Sacrificial Plants

One strategy to keep slugs away from your hostas is to plant sacrificial plants that are more attractive to molluscs. Plants such as lettuce, marigolds and mustard greens should keep these pests busy, leaving your hostas alone. Place these plants strategically in your garden, close enough to your hostas that they choose the sacrificial plants over the hostas, but far enough away so that the slug does not think they have access to a banquet. 

Choose Resistant Varieties

Not all hostas are equally appealing to slugs and snails. Opt for tougher, more resistant varieties with thicker leaves, such as Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’, Hosta ‘June’, Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’. These varieties are less likely to suffer significant damage. Any hostas with a blue or glaucous coating have a waxy surface, which is a natural deterrent to slugs and snails. 

Physical Removal

The most direct approach is to wander outside in the evening on a slug hunt mission. Simply pick any slugs or snails you see in your hostas. Don’t forget to bring a torch! It is the most laborious choice but, it is effective and gives you control over what you choose to do with these slimy pests.

Natural Predators

Encouraging natural predators in your garden is a simple way to keep your slug and snail population under control and requires very little from you. Attract birds by installing bird feeders and birdbaths. Encourage frogs and toads with a small wildlife pond and persuade hedgehogs by leaving gaps in fences and providing shelter.

Pet and Wildlife-friendly Slug Deterrent

Envii Feed & Protect is not only an effective slug deterrent but also improves plant growth and nutrient uptake. Its first job is to provide essential micro-nutrients to the plant which allows it to grow to its full potential. What makes Feed & Protect so special is that it makes the leaves taste bitter to slugs and snails.

Rather than filling your garden with ugly blue pellets that could endanger other wildlife, you can deter slugs and snails in a non-hazardous way. Slugs no longer enjoy the taste of your Hostas and will leave them alone. Slugs are not harmed or irritated from the treatment, just simply steered away.

Feed & Protect comes in a powder form that you dilute in water. Since hostas have very waxy leaves, you can add a small squirt of washing-up liquid into the solution. This helps the plant’s leaves absorb the solution and make sure it is fully effective.

As an invisible form of protection, we recommend Feed & Protect for domestic garden displays and flower gardens, but it’s perfectly suitable for vegetable gardens too.

We hope this blog has provided you with the knowledge and confidence to protect your hostas from slugs and snails. Every garden is different, if one method doesn’t work, keep going. It may take a combination of the above methods to hit gold. If you don’t want to waste time trialling methods, use Feed and Protect to achieve effective results first time round.


Protect your hostas! Try Feed and Protect, our best-selling slug deterrent today 🐌 #howto #slugsandsnails #gardentok #gardenhack

♬ time travel – chief. & nobuddy

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Chief Executive Officer

Olly is the reason the envii team are here today. When he’s not coming up with the next best envii product or looking at ways to move the business towards a greener future, you’ll find him taking his dog, Otis, on a walk or watching his son in his next BMX race.

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