You might remember back in March, Terry Walton (BBC Radio 2’s Allotment/Gardening Expert) gave Early Starter a great endorsement.
Well since then he’s been trying out some of our other amazing gardening probiotics.
Here’s what he had to say about Feed & Protect, our two-in-one plant food and slug repellent.
” I am well-known for my vegetable growing but I also grow flowers; notably sweet peas to tempt pollinating insects to my plot. But I have a secret agenda in growing these and that is to please my wife with a fragrant bouquet of these brilliant flowers when I am late back from the plot!
They are however not the easiest plants to grow and are a delicacy for slugs and snails. Also they succumb to diseases and aphids very quickly.
I received a tub of Envii Feed and Protect and this looked like a solution to many of my sweet pea problems. When they were planted out I watered them with a solution of this product and they grew vigorously. I was sceptical of its claim to ward off slugs and snails due to making its foliage distasteful to these munching molluscs!
I haven’t tasted its foliage myself, but there is no doubt that its leaves have not been ‘nibbled’.
The plants are watered every ten days with Envii Feed & Protect and I must say they are the healthiest sweet peas I have ever grown. The flowers are just appearing and I have had no bud drop this year which is a bonus.
The product also meets my ethos of organic gardening and there are no dead poisoned bodies of slugs to affect the wild life in my area.
This certainly looks the answer to my prayers for this crop and I will certainly try it out on my vulnerable vegetable crops.”
Another big thanks to Terry Walton for his endorsements!